We would like to introduce our new design. First time it won’t be a proa :). It is a concept of 6 m long catamaran for 2-4 people for day sailing, launching from beach for day sailing and also for longer – few days trips. We worked few last months on this project, including model which helped us to plan and check some assumptions.
About CAT 600
An efficient crew can launch the Cat600 PJOA straight from the beach, cross the surf and, on their return, haul the boat high onto the sandy beach with their bare hands.
From the very first sailing trips along Baltic coasts I’ve been dreaming about a night rest without building a tent on a beach. At last we can offer 2 sleeping berths in hulls plus 2 more on a platform under folding roof.
We remain faithful to the pleasure of sailing under Crab Claws rig and rely mainly on self-steering of the boat, which is well balanced by adjusting the sail’s and crew positions. The rudders will gprovide more comfort for a casual sailor, but may not be able to completely counteract and steer against the bad balance – that’s intended 😊. During the design process, we paid a lot of attention to effective methods of the sail regulation.
There is no daggerboard or deep rudders requiring attention when crossing shallows. Our small rudders apply a solution observed on Pomeranka fishermen’s boats, where small blade gets itself up if touched by the sea bottom and goes down when it is possible.
The rig and platform can be easily disassembled for transportation on a trailer.
The Cat600 PJOA hulls are made in Stich&Glue technology of plywood sheets reinforced with longitudinal slats, supported by 4 frames from wooden planks. Covered with glass/epoxy. This hull concept was proven during the operation of the first Pjoa, Mata Pjoa and more recently several Folk Pjoas. Here we introduce even greater simplicity. We estimate that a single hull can be shaped ready for finishing within 1-2 weeks depending on skills.
Beams and all spars are from wood, with eventual exception of trapezoidal mast frame, which may be made of aluminum tubes.
Together with plans, we distribute the sail (Dacron or polyester) specially cut to be spread between curved yards.
- Lenght: 630cm (20,6′)
- Beam: 402cm (13,2′)
- Draught: 45cm with 2 people crew or 55cm with 400kg on board
- Weight rigged: ca. 250 kg (555 lbs), where heaviest is the single hull: 85 kg
- Crew: 2-4 person (max load 400kg 890 lbs)
- Crab law sail: 12, 14, 16 sqm
- Dimentions for storage, transport: 630 x 160 x 100cm (20,6′ x 5,2′ x 3,3′)

Plans in hard copy for PJOA Cat 600 are now avalible.
Plans include:
- materials specification
- suggested order of activities
- 1:1 drawing of importatnt elements,
- other drawings in regular scale and
- license to build one boat.
Price: 520 EUR (without shipping)
Please contact us for order and prices via e – mail: pjoa@pjoa.pl
DIY kit in preparation! More info soon.
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